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Writer's pictureCathy Keller

Tip #1: 5 organizational tips for Middle School (and Beyond!)

Courtenay Whalen is a master at teaching students how to organize themselves. She's been teaching middle school for 16 years, and she is an AVID trainer and teacher. AVID is a program that teaches executive functioning and organizational skills (among other things) to students headed to college. She wrote a series of guest blog posts about how to help your middle schoolers get organized for back to school. Honestly, though, these tips will help students at ALL levels create and maintain an organizational system to maximize their success!

This is just the tip of the iceburg of her knowledge. Read more about her on our tutor bio page HERE.

This week she'll be sharing her top 5 organizational tips for Middle School Students. If you or your child is in high school and HASN'T nailed these, this is the place to start. Without futher ado, here's tip 1:

1. A place for everything

You’ve bought your school supplies, and you’re ready to have a great year! Now what? How do you make sure that your supplies and class materials stay organized? The answer is simple: create a system! Label your folders and spirals so that you always know which specific item you’re reaching for in your locker or backpack. Pro tip: If possible, color code your supplies by class. If your science notebook and folder are yellow and your math notebook and folder are blue, you’ll know which one to grab when you’re looking for your work.

Come back tomorrow from more tips from Courtenay Whalen about getting organized for Middle School and beyond!

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